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Editorial and peer review process of Chinese Journal of Medical Physics
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All the submitted manuscripts are peer-reviewed for ensuring that the high-quality submissions which reflect the up-to-date research findings, with authentic materials, reliable statistics and objective conclusions are accepted and published.

The journal strictly implements double-blind peer review system for eliminating academic issues and ensuring the quality of the published papers. Authors should follow the requirements of the "Code of Publication Ethics" and "Guidelines for Manuscript Submission" to ensure the authenticity of the manuscript and that there are no multiple submissions, no confidentiality issues, no conflict of interest and no authorship disputes. After registering with the journal online submission system (http://zgyxwlxzz.paperopen.com/), authors can upload their manuscripts (Word files) to the system, and log in to the system with user name and password at any time to check the status of the submission. If there is no processing result within 2 months, the manuscript is deemed to be rejected. The author can contact the editorial department by telephone or E-mail.

l First review

Editors will conduct academic misconduct literature check (AMLC) on all manuscripts, and any manuscript with a duplication rate higher than 15% will be directly rejected. For those with duplication rate less than 15%, editors will have a preliminary review on the topic, academic quality and writing quality of the manuscript. If the manuscript does not conform to the submission requirements, editors will reject the manuscript without further consideration; and if it meets the submission requirements, editors will assign the manuscript to peer reviewers.

l Peer review

The peer-review process is double-blind, i.e. the information of authors is not open to experts, and the information of the submitted manuscript is also not open to authors. At the same time, to avoid unfair reviews due to personal problems, editors can ask authors to provide reviewers with any possible conflict of interest who should be avoided during manuscript review, and allow the reviewers to refuse to review the manuscript if there exists any conflict of interest.

Peer reviewers should send their review comments with the recommendations as accepted, revision or rejected back to the editorial department within 2 weeks. Editors should regularly track the manuscript status and remind peer reviewers to review the manuscript through the online review system. If the manuscript review can not be completed, editor sshould assign the manuscript to other peer reviewers to avoid prolonging the manuscript processing cycle.

l Final review

Depending on the review comments and the manuscript quality, editorial director will make editorial decision: (1) Reject. (2) Revision. Editors summarize the comments and give feedback to the authors for revision, and then send the revised to peer reviewers for the second review. Editorial director can decide to accept or reject the manuscript depending on the revision. (3) Accept.

l Revision

Editors will summarize the review comments and send them to the authors via the online submission system or E-mail, avoiding the disclosure of reviewers' information and removing derogatory or harsh, and unreasonable comments.

After receiving the revision notice, authors should revise the manuscript as required and respond to the revision comments item by item. If it is not possible for the authors to submit a revised manuscript within a month (if there are any special circumstances, please inform the editorial office), the journal will consider it is retracted. If the author wants to submit the manuscript to another journal, please contact the editorial office to withdraw the manuscript. If the author disagrees with the review, he/she should provide the necessary explanatory materials for re-review, and other peer reviewers will be asked to review the manuscript again. Based on the reviewers’ comments and recommendations, a final editorial decision will be made.

l Publication

The copyright agreement should be submitted once the manuscript is accepted for publication. The corresponding author is responsible for obtaining signatures of coauthors.

After the manuscript is published, the authors will be provided 2 copies of the current issue. The author should contact the editorial department if additional issues are needed. The publication is subject to the publication of the paper version, and the published status in the system is for inquiry only and not on any legal basis.