JI Yucheng,WENG Yujie,NING Pengfei,et al.Analysis on mechanical information of Noharahu swing manipulations in Chinese Mongolian medicine[J].Chinese Journal of Medical Physics,2022,39(6):778-782.[doi:DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1005-202X.2022.06.020]
- 卷:
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- Title:
Analysis on mechanical information of Noharahu swing manipulations in Chinese Mongolian medicine
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
姬宇程1; 翁羽洁1; 宁鹏飞1; 斯楞格2; 薄素玲1; 梁莹1; 李忠贤1
1.内蒙古医科大学计算机信息学院, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010110; 2.内蒙古医科大学蒙医药学院, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010110
- Author(s):
JI Yucheng1; WENG Yujie1; NING Pengfei1; Silengge2; BO Suling1; LIANG Ying1; LI Zhongxian1
1. College of Computer and Information, Inner Mongolia Medical University, Hohhot 010110, China 2. College of Mongolian Medicine, Inner Mongolia Medical University, Hohhot 010110, China
- 关键词:
中国蒙医; 诺哈拉呼疗法; 仿真技术; 摆动类手法; 力学信息
- Keywords:
Keywords: Chinese Mongolian medicine Noharahu therapy simulation technology swing manipulation mechanical information
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
目的:尝试以滚法为例研究蒙医诺哈拉呼手法涉及的力学模型的基础问题,力求展示中国蒙医诺哈拉呼手法的施力过程。方法:由内蒙古医科大学蒙医药学院1名在职研究人员针对蒙医推拿手法在前臂使用的摆动类手法(滚法)进行演示实验,使用握力信息采集系统的力学位置传感器和附带的记录软件记录自推拿开始60 s内的各个传感器数据。扫描条件:电压5 V,采集时间1 min,电流200 mA,其余各项参数选择测定仪的默认值。根据测定仪的X、Y轴采样信息分别绘制受力-时间关系图,参照文献记载建立推拿受力过程模型,并对蒙医推拿过程的建模进行生物力学分析。结果与结论:①通过握力信息采集系统实际测定的揉法、滚法手法模拟参数可见,实验人手部对应位置在接触到软组织表面后受到的轴向力会迅速上升,相应在软组织上的反作用力也会迅速上升,形成了对应在患处的有效作用力;②相对于中医的推拿手法,蒙医文献载述的诺哈拉呼摆动类手法应用位置同中医存在显著差异,具有用途多样的特点。
- Abstract:
Abstract: Objective To take the rolling method as an example to carry out a study on the basic problems of the mechanical model establishment involved in the Noharahu therapy in Chinese Mongolian medicine, and to exhibit the application of force in the Noharahu therapy. Methods An in-service researcher from College of Mongolian Medicine, Inner Mongolia Medical University conducted a demonstration experiment on swing manipulation (rolling) used in the forearm for Mongolian massage. The mechanical position sensor of the grip strength information acquisition system and the accompanying recording software were utilized to record the data of each sensor for 60 seconds since the beginning of the massage. Scanning conditions contained voltage of 5 V, acquisition time of 1 min, current of 200 mA, and other parameters as the default value of the tester. Force-time relationship graph was drawn with the sampling information on X and Y axes of the analyzer, and the model reflecting the application of force in massage was established by referring to the literatures, and a biomechanical analysis was carried out on the modeling of the process of massage in Mongolian medicine. Results and Conclusion ① According to the data from the grip strength information acquisition system about rolling, the axial force on the hand of the subject quickly rises after the corresponding position on the surface in contact with the soft tissues, and the corresponding counter-acting force on soft tissues also rises rapidly, forming the corresponding effective force at the affected area. ② The application positions of swing manipulations in Mongolian Noharahu therapy described in literatures are significantly different from those in traditional Chinese massage, and swing manipulations has a wider range of applications.
- 备注/Memo:
【作者简介】姬宇程,硕士,讲师,主要从事生物力学、蒙医数字化方面的研究,E-mail: 20150021@immu.edu.cn
【通信作者】李忠贤,硕士,教授,E-mail: lizhongxian@immu.edu.cn
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