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Diagnostic value of window width and slice thickness in ground glass opacity of COVID-19(PDF)


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Diagnostic value of window width and slice thickness in ground glass opacity of COVID-19
DENG Liangna1 2 3 ZHANG Bin1 2 3 JIANG Jian1 2 3 LIN Xiaoqiang1 2 3 HAN Tao1 2 3 JING Mengyuan1 2 3 ZHOU Junlin1 2 3
1. Department of Radiology, Lanzhou University Second Hospital, Lanzhou 730030, China 2. Second School of Clinical Medicine, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China 3. Key Laboratory of Medical Imaging in Gansu Province, Lanzhou 730030, China
COVID-19 window width slice thickness ground glass opacity high-resolution computed tomography
Objective To explore and select the best setting scheme of window width and slice thickness which is suitable for observing the ground glass opacity and various signs of corona virus disease 2019(COVID-19). Methods The imaging data of 11 patients with COVID-19 were analyzed retrospectively and 30 COVID-19 lesions with ground glass opacity, paving stone sign, vascular thickening and air bronchogram sign were selected for analysis and comparison. The display degrees of ground glass opacity and the other signs under different window widths and slice thicknesses at the fixed window level were subjectively scored by two chest imaging doctors with more than 15 years of diagnostic experience for obtaining the image quality score. Results The window widths with the highest percentage for the ground glass opacity with a score of 3, the paving stone sign with a score of 3, vascular thickening with a score of 3 and air bronchogram sign with a score of 3 were 1 000 HU (76.7%), 1 400 HU (80.0%), 1 400 HU (83.3%) and 1 000 HU (83.3%), respectively, and there were statistical differences between the above results and those in other groups (P<0.001). For the signs (ground glass opacity, paving stone sign and vascular thickening and air bronchogram sign) with the highest score, the slice thickness with the highest proportion was 1 mm (100%), and the results were significantly different from those in other groups (P<0.001). Conclusion During the imaging diagnosis of COVID-19, the best window width for observing ground glass opacity and air bronchogram sign is 1 000 HU, and that for observing paving stone sign and vascular thickening is 1 400 HU.Moreover, 1 mm is the best slice thickness for observing ground glass opacity and various signs.



Last Update: 2020-06-03